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polo ralph lauren pas cher,http://homme.frpoloralphlauren2013.com™,polo ralph lauren“More consistency between what donors are saying [and] what they are actually doing is needed,” Lydia Alpizar,polo ralph lauren pas cher, executive director of the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID),polo ralph lauren homme, told IPS.

Tracing the myriad paths of financial support for gender equality and women’s empowerment is no easy task,polo ralph lauren, but nevertheless a necessary one to test whether political commitment is translating into results.

“Having this data available helps us to push donors to do better,ralph lauren soldes, because what they do is not close to what is needed,polo ralph lauren pas cher, not close to the minimum,polo ralph lauren discount,” she added.

Even if a programme is targeted towards women or gender equality,polo ralph lauren, it may not necessarily be significant,polo ralph lauren pas cher, said Patti O’Neill,ralph lauren pas cher, senior policy analyst of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in an interview with IPS,ralph lauren 2013.

Pouring money into civil society projects is not enough if such initiatives scarcely improve women’s livelihoods on a daily basis and in the long term,ralph lauren soldes.

So in the last five years,ralph lauren pas cher, the OECD’s Development Assistant Committee has started tracking the extent to which donors’ funding is focused on gender equality,ralph lauren pas cher, if at all,polo ralph lauren. Women’s Policy Division,ralph lauren pas cher, at the conference.

Gender-responsive budgeting has generally made positive progress since 2008,polo ralph lauren pas cher, Menon said,polo ralph lauren. Some examples are Morocco and Rwanda.

“I think there has been progress,polo ralph lauren pas cher,” she told IPS. Women and others, but it is coming from the countries themselves,” pushed by women’s organisations and “enlightened people in ministries of finance” and other areas of government.

The ongoing economic crisis, of course, poses a threat to this progress, especially because during times of financial hardship, gender financing is the first to go when policymakers look to trim budgets.

If you don’t ask, they will not tell

One of the most persistent problems is the lack of publicly available gender-disaggregated data and critical assessments of how strongly funding supports women’s empowerment. The only multilateral organisation that provides the OECD with data on the gender equality dimensions of its aid programmes is the World Bank.

Asked why such information is not made openly available, Alpizar cited two reasons. The first was “a limited culture of accountability amongst donors and multilaterals on how their resources are used”. The second was simply that “in other cases, we have not asked for the data”.

O’Neill also noted that sometimes politicians are too scared to question how and where money is spent. But she labelled that very problem as a starting point. “Start asking the questions and do not be frightened to ask questions about money. They should be asking donors, ‘Where exactly are you spending this money in our country?'”

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