As is well-known, China is a unified country with many minorities since in ancient times. Each minority has a long development history and boasts its own cultural characteristics, which contribute to the colorful, splendid and profound culture of Chinese nation. The jewelry culture is one of the prominent parts.
One of Chinese nationalities-Miao nationality, females of Miao nationality have a great passion for silver jewelry,sac prada pas cher, for silver jewelry is the symbol of good luck, brightness, beauty and wealth for this nationality. On every festival,sacs a main chanel, some women of Miao nationality are decorated with shinning silver ornaments from head to toe. Different form jewelry making supplies wholesale, their silver accessories are all genuinely made by craftsman.
From Ming dynasty,tods chaussures, the silver ornaments could distinguish whether the woman get married or not. In most cases, silver decorations are worn by unmarried women. Many single ornaments are the only possession of them, although the married women possess, they cannot wear. Silver earrings,Chanel pas cher, made in different styles, are the indispensable earring settings for females of Miao nationality,oakley pas cher.
In addition to being a symbol of beauty, but also has a purpose and function of potlatch, Evil, worship, engagement. The style of many Miao silver bracelets, rings and earrings vary from different places. These silver objects are all forged by pure silver,chanel lunettes, bracelets also has a wide range of shape, some as hollow, some as a solid, twisted linear, petal-shaped, four prism and six prism, etc. According to statistics,burberry pas cher, there are 20 kinds of different types and styles of Miao silver bracelet,gianmarco lorenzi. A woman wear two bracelets on each hand, some even wear three to four,tods pas cher. Silver ring also has more than 20 kinds, type V chain, nine rings, diamond fine flowers,prada pas cher, hanging flower Teng.
The suitable Miao silver headdress lies in its special combination of special ways to wear and complement each other with Toupa with,lunette oakley. This combination is very traditional, Yinzan the position, the direction of silver comb,burberry soldes, silver Pa Wai law, as well as all parts wear, there are stringent regulations,lunette carrera pas cher, cannot be arbitrary,chaussures pas cher. Often handed down from mother one by one is not yet proficient daughter wear some. It emphasize on the position of the headdress Yiyin different, or bun top,Chloé pas cher, or the amount of, or bun side, or back of the head. Some places are not plugged directly into the headdress hair bun top,converse pas cher, but rather to “Green muffled head,lunette Chloé, trim fixed head cloth, to show a unique decorative style.
The aesthetic concept of Miao silver jewelry is much driven by the strong awareness of potlatch, thus forming the idea that heavy, big silver ornament is beautiful,sacs a main Chloé. It is this kind of definition that makes Miao silverware shows an unusually colorful world,chanel pas cher. Silver hat,lunettes chanel, silver crown and silver corner Hmong are the most important headdress for Miao women, whenever marriage or festive costumes,lunette carrera, wearing them vividly shows dazzling elegance and beauty.
Cultural forms first is the result of human adaptation to the ecological environment, as silver, is also inseparable from its unique geographical and directly affected by it. Miao earrings style is so diverse; a more important reason is that many Hmong branch. Within the same branch,sac burberry, often earrings differences between men and women before and after marriage is different, and compared with other large silver earrings is less affected by economic factors,, therefore, in all Miao silverware earrings the most widely distributed,sacs a main Chloé, style,oakley jawbone.
In a word, Miao ardently love silver ornaments,gianmarco lorenzi boots, second to none in Chinese 56 ethnic groups,sac chanel. It not only carries forward Miao people’s cultural feature but also add color to Chinese jewelry culture,gianmarco lorenzi chaussure. This tradition will last forever, which would be precious and meaningful in the days to come.Related articles: