Strategies to Work Positive in the Vertig

3 Strategies to Work Positive in the Vertigo Economy

I recently returned from a week of speaking engagements to awaken the next morning to a case of vertigo,michael kors outlet. I woke up, rolled out of bed as usual,jordan 5 grape, and the floor rose up to whack my head. It was kind of like being drunk on a rollercoaster ride.Over the next several days, I was in bed or in my recliner, hanging on for dear life, wishing the room would stop spinning,Foamposites 2012. As the rotation slowed, I moved around some.That’s when I thought,jordan retro 5, “This is like trying to do business today. Just when you think you have figured it out,, everything moves and you’re off balance again.”Here are 3 strategies that benefited me in the dizziness that will help you Work Positive in this Vertigo Economy,jordan grape 5.FocusWhen everything around you is spinning violently out of control, you must focus,jordan grape 5.Walking was an adventure because the floor kept moving, i.e., my field of vision did. So I focused on a spot on the carpet, or the grain in the hardwood, and moved forward. What do you focus on in your business? If you focus on the latest “expert analysis,” or new government effort to “help small businesses,” or presidential candidates’ spin on job creation, your P&L will sink.Instead, identify a constant source of strength in your business. Perhaps you and your customers have great relationships. Maybe you deliver the best price points in your market. Or, it could be your business survived previous vertigo economies. Tell yourself the stories of how you focused.Move your business forward by focusing on a positive strength despite the Vertigo Economy. Ignore the rest so you Work Positive.StabilizeWhen it felt like the room was spinning, I moved forward by leaning on the wall or grabbing a chair until I stabilized and could take another step. At times, my wife or daughter kept me from falling.When the economy puts pressure on your business to change rapidly, your practices destabilize very quickly. You’re not sure how to continue to create a profit. It’s easy to isolate yourself and imagine that you can stabilize revenue and costs alone. Think again…When the Vertigo Economy assaults us, we must lean on each other. Find a business coach who understands you and your business, who is trustworthy and wise, and lean. Who was your mentor when you first started in business? Call and get some support. If you’re a franchisee, email your DM or RM and discover what’s working for others.We are all experiencing the Vertigo Economy. Lean on and learn from the ones around you.PaceI’m an energetic, physically-fit, go-get-‘em person. When vertigo struck, I slowed down, literally to a crawl to the bathroom.In the Vertigo Economy, you adjust your pace. Your plans for expansion slow down due to the tight credit market. That next employee you wanted to add is put on-hold for another quarter to insure cash flow stabilizes. You roll up your sleeves and do some activities you’ve moved away from.In the Vertigo Economy, it’s prudent to slow your pace. Give yourself more time to reach your goals. As a client of mine says, “Slow is pro” when you’re dizzy.This business race is a marathon; much longer than a sprint. Pace yourself accordingly.This Vertigo Economy will pass just as my illness did. Until it does, Work Positive as you focus on your strengths, stabilize your practices, and pace yourself. Author’s Bio:

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