he was ordained as a priest http://carreralunettevipcom

http://lunettes-carrerapascher.infoSt,sac chanel pas cher. John Baptist de la Salle was born in Reims,chanel chaussures, France, on April 30,lunette carrera pas cher, 1651,chanel pas cher. His family was a devout Catholic family,carrera, and he was greatly involved in the church from a young age,sac chanel. He grew up, greatly involved in the church,sac chanel. Even after the death of his parents,sac chanel, he continued to study greatly,sac chanel pas cher, and on April 9,sac chanel pas cher, 1678, he was ordained as a priest,lunettes chanel, at the age of 26. After another two years,carrera lunette, he also received a doctorate in theology,carrera lunette.

During his work as a priest,lunette carrera, he increasingly became involved with helping out the common people,lunette carrera pas cher. He hadn’t had much experience with this,carrera, as his family had been fairly wealthy,carrera. One way in which this desire to help the common man manifested itself was his involvement with a group of poor,chanel chaussures, and relatively uneducated men who wished to help with the teaching of poor boys. This involvement began when, in March of 1679, he met a man, Adrien Nyel,chanel sacs, who provided many services for the poor,lunettes chanel. This man quickly convinced de la Salle to help him with his mission, and John Baptist de la Salle’s involvement with education began,chanel pas cher. His involvement increased until he eventually became the leader of these men. One thing that inspired de la Salle was the deplorable conditions that these people lived in,lunettes carrera. To him, they seemed “far from salvation.” He decided to help in their education,lunettes chanel.

He renounced both his wealth and his position of canon at the local church,chanel pas cher, which he had held since age 16. He thought that not having these material possesions would make him better able to connect with his students. He soon abandoned his family home and moved in with the teachers, and the order of the Christian Brothers was established. The church rejected the creation of a new order, and the other schools resented the methods that he used: new forms of teaching, and free education for all.

John Baptist de la Salle used many methods of teaching that were unheard of in 17th Century France. He grouped students together, generally by their ability, in order to help them learn better. He also promoted well educated teachers, something that wasn’t very common in his day. Another of his controversial methods was teaching in the vernacular. Most schools, especially religious ones, were taught almost entirely in Latin. He also integrated religious studies with more traditional subjects.

After a lifetime of care for the poor, John Baptist de la Salle died on April 7, 1719, at the age of 67. His priestly duties had been revoked by the Archbishop of Rouen, over some trivial issue. His death came on Good Friday. He died at Saint Yon, near the French town of Rouen. Both of these towns are featured in Gustave Flaubert’s novel, Madame Bovary. On February 19, 1888, de la Salle was beatified. He was officially canonized as a saint on May 24, 1900. And, on May 15, 1950, Pope Pius XII proclaimed him to be the patron saint of all teachers.

According to St. John Baptist de la Salle, teachers are “ambassadors of Christ” and “ministers of grace.” He believed that teachers have a providential and privileged relationship with their students.

The network of schools that he created, now known as Lasallian Schools, still exists today, in many countries around the world. The schools are primarily high schools and universities. After prayer students at these schools still often say, St. John Baptist de la Salle, pray for us. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever. The lines “St,John Baptist De La Salle. John Baptist de la Salle” and “live Jesus in our hearts”, are said by the prayer leader, and “pray for us,” and “forever” are recited by the students.http://sacvuitton2013.webs.com/

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