I never grew up telling myself that I would own my own business,converse pas cher. As a matter of fact, until my last semester at college, I thought that I was there to chase girls around,lunette carrera femme…until I did meet my wife who cancelled that activity.
I cared less about school,burberry pas cher.
I did okay – 3,converse all star.49 I believe was my final GPA from Fordham, but the possibility of entrepreneurship never really dawned on me because what did I know about business,lunette oakley pas cher? Also, I didn’t have the confidence in myself to buck the trend,tods pas cher. I needed a job that was open with a stable company,lunette Chloé.
That is instead of having to create a job that didn’t exist from a company that I would have to start from scratch with on real viable business ideas,oakley pas cher.
However, there were a few happenings in my life that I feel were the main drivers for me owning my own business and here are some of them:
1,lunette chanel pas cher. Marriage – I married a very supportive girl who, instead of telling me that I had to go get a job and that I was living a pipe dream regarding thinking I could open my own business,Sac Chloé, she quietly let me be and do my work,lunette oakley.
2,Chloé pas cher. My foray (a very quick foray) into corporate – after I graduated college, I took a job in corporate America for about 6 months. During this period, I learned two things about corporate America and,sacs a main Chloé, thus I knew I needed to make a swift exit.
a) You never get rich,sac burberry; you never do,sac chanel pas cher. There are very few exceptions to this rule, but they are so few and far between that you might as well take the first part of the given advice.
b) You are given the perception you can get rich,sacs a main prada, so you end up kissing a lot of ass to people who are nothing special, yet who are especially arrogant and you still remain at step “a)” anyway,tods soldes.
This is one of the factors that truly bothered me about the corporate world. Luckily, I was able to see right through it and, hopefully you will be able to do so after reading this,gianmarco lorenzi chaussure.
3. My Interview at (don’t want to say for legal reasons) a financial related company – I was offered a job at a very prestigious financial related company before I started my recruiting firm,Chanel pas cher.
Logic and my mother yelled for me to take the job,lunette carrera pas cher, but the corporate culture was one where the employees treated each other poorly. They were the type of people who didn’t make real money, but felt like they had to pretend to,tods chaussures, thus attempting to talk down to each other to mitigate their own insecurities,chanel pas cher.
The best revenge is living well and that I do,prada pas cher.
What is the takeaway? You don’t have to think that just because you don’t know what type of business to open now,sac prada pas cher, doesn’t mean it can’t happen later,gianmarco lorenzi boots. There is also a second takeaway – some people are happy in a corporate environment,converse discount.
Never think that you have to open a business to be an important,lunette carrera, respectful person. Though,gianmarco lorenzi, never think that you can be a important, respectful person if you don’t treat others the same way.Related articles: