weight of children in the United States as well as other countries in the world is increasing dramatically,sac chanel. The epidemic of childhood obesity is reaching alarming rates with some parents still continuing to be fairly oblivious to what is going on right in front of them,sac chanel pas cher. According to information being reported by the American Heart Association Nutrition,sac chanel pas cher, Physical Activity and Metabolism,Lunettes Louis Vuitton, Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology,Lunettes Louis Vuitton, the number of children who are overweight or obese may be increasing but the number of parents that realize this is not,Chaussures Louis Vuitton. That may be contributing to the problem.
In that report, mothers and their preteen children were asked a number of questions. The mothers were asked questions about their age, income and their known heart disease risk factors. These women were then asked questions about their body size perception by looking at silhouette images of normal, overweight and obese bodies. Finally, the researchers weight and measured both the mothers and the children.
The results showed that nearly seventy percent of the mothers in the group were either overweight or obese while nearly forty percent of the children were in either category. Of those mothers who were obese, over eighty percent were likely to underestimate their own weight,Underestimating Both The Weight And The Risk Factors For Children, while 42% of the overweight mothers did so. Of the normal weight women, just over thirteen percent underestimated their own weight. Of the obese and/or overweight children, 86% were likely to underestimate their weight as well.
The mothers of the overweight or obese children were very unlikely to realize how much their children weighed with nearly half of them saying that they thought their children were of normal weights. In a similar study conducted in the Netherlands, parents of overweight or obese children were unlikely to accurately guess their child’s weight as negative. That study also showed that the parents of children who were overweight or obese were also much more likely to have weight problems themselves.
Ironically, the children were much better at choosing the correct weight group for their mothers and just over forty percent of them felt that their mothers needed to lose weigh. These same children were likely to choose a larger body image for an ideal or healthy sized woman when asked.
Both studies have confirmed that the weight of a parent may seriously impact the future health and weight of the children. The theory of the researchers is that not only does genetics have a major role in weight gain, but that the attitudes of the parents may also play a role. A mother who does not see her child as overweight or obese is less likely to seek changes in their diet or activity level which increases the child’s risk of health risks such as diabetes and heart disease.
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