legs and buttocks Abdominal fat is more actively recruited when in motion

Why Can t I Lose Weight?

Why Can t I Lose Weight?First off, you’re probably thinking the title of this article: “Why can t I Lose Weight,Jordan 8 Phoenix Suns?”; is a spelling error – IT IS NOT! The point that I want to illustrate here is a paradigm shift. When we separate the “t” from “can’t” we get “CAN”! And that’s the attitude we have to have if we’re ever going to succeed at this weight loss thing.Understandably, the question many weight loss watchers ask of themselves and of others is,Jordan 8, “Why can’t I lose weight?” Said question is borne of the observation that no matter how strict your diet is, how hard and diligently you perform the cardio and strength training exercises, and how well you adopt the recommended healthy lifestyle habits,Phoenix Suns 8s Jordan, you just cannot seem to lose weight. If you fall into one of the following categories, you may well be closer to the answers to your question: “Why can t I lose weight?”Why Can t I Lose Weight – FemaleI know nature does not seem to be fare when it comes to women and weight loss,Phoenix Suns 8s For Sale. Men have an easier time losing weight than women, while women have an easier time gaining weight than men. Why is this so? There are several reasons discovered by scientists: • Men have greater amounts of muscle mass while women have higher amounts of body fat. Keep in mind that muscle tissues burn higher number of calories than fat tissues when the body is at rest – in fact, truth told, fat burns no calories at all at rest. Thus,Phoenix Suns 8s, men have substantially higher resting metabolic rates than women.• Men store fat around their midsection while women store it around their hips, legs and buttocks,Jordan Retro 8. Abdominal fat is more actively recruited when in motion, thus, it is easier to lose that fat in other areas.• In general,http://orderjordan8phoenixsuns.devhub.com, men are also larger than women and, thus, they tend to burn more calories, too. Also, testosterone, which helps the body retain muscle mass while decreasing fat is significantly more abundant in men. Thus we are not surprised by recent findings that testosterone injections are now being used to help men and women lose weight in a faster manner! Why Can t I Lose Weight – Low Resting Metabolic Rate Coupled with High Metabolic EfficiencyAnother uncontrollable factor in your “Why can’t I lose weight?” is your metabolic rates. Low resting metabolic rate means lesser amount of calories burned while at rest and high metabolic efficiency translates to lower number of calories burned while in motion.In both instances,Jordan 8 For Sale, your body simply refuses to burn the desired number of calories necessary to lose weight.The difference between these two metabolic rates can explain as much as 22 pounds of weight gain. Why Can t I Lose Weight – Trouble in the Diet In terms of the controllable factors to the question of, “Why can’t I lose weight?” diet is the most common. There are many ways that your diet is compromising your weight loss plan: • Strict diet, almost on a fasting diet, on the weekdays and then eat-all-you-can on the weekends. Over a prolonged period, your body goes into a starvation mode, which initiates a domino effect – lower metabolism, fewer calories burned, and weight loss stops. The starvation mode is described as: When your body is provided with too little nutrients over a prolonged period, it perceives itself to be in danger of starvation. As a defensive mechanism, your body will slow down its metabolism to a substantial degree so as to conserve energy and protect the vital organs for as long as necessary. We all know the effects of a slow metabolism – Your body’s ability to lose weight diminishes and you start asking, “Why can’t I lose weight?”• Food intolerances can lead to water weight gain. Dairy, gluten, nuts, corn, soy and eggs are the most common culprits. • Diet products are to blame, too. Just because a product is labeled as “diet” or “zero-fat” or zero-sugar” does not necessarily mean that it is good for your body. There are other factors that affect the answers to the question of, “Why can t I lose weight?” including lack of sleep, high-fat diet in your childhood years, and lack of training – preferably High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Well these are some of the factors affecting your ability to lose weight. But don’t lose heart – there are solutions… Please visit our website below for helpful resources to help you get in your best shape ever!!! Author’s Bio:

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